Sunday 27 November 2011

20/11/11 to 27/11/11

20/11/11 ( Sunday )

第一次在 Cambray Church 领圣餐

这里用面包,感觉上比较有 Feel....

这个我真的喝不出是什么,不像 Ribeena, 也不是红酒,可是很好喝。散会后,和往常一样,去其中一家吃饭。

这次就有点大失所望,不好吃。很够力多  cheese and butter, 很不合我胃口。那块 potato, 我看到他们放 butter 吃,很够力恶心,然后旁边那块,很多 cheese, 下面是牛肉,还有很 creamy 的鸡胸肉,菜是淡淡无味, Chris 的妈妈还拿很多给我,我又不好意思拒绝,很不是很好吃,可是其他人却吃得很美味。

外国人超喜欢 butter and cheese

吃完饭就玩 UNO 牌,他们的 rules 很奇怪,和我们以前的玩法满不同。不过也好,不同国家有不同的文化,彼此交流咯!

接下去玩 Jenga, 弄到我差不多四点才回到店,累!

22/11/11 ( Tuesday )





23/11/11 ( Wednesday )



每次 lunch time, 我就跑到  German Market 逛,很爽!





圣诞节来咯!现在 city centre 都布置到很圣诞,爽!算是和马来西亚最大的差别。

26/11/11 ( Saturday )


27/11/11 ( Sunday )


陈凯,很有气质的名字,可是人就没有我酱有气质, 哈哈!算是我在英国遇到的富二代当中最会想,最乖的一个。散会后,我们两个逛街逛了差不多一个多小时,聊天聊到满开心。我们的思想还满像,他有比 我想像中还要乖和孝顺,难得!

第一次出去就买了这瓶 lotion 给我。其实我想买很久了,很喜欢那个味道,而且擦了皮肤很滑,只是价钱有点贵,自己不舍得。谢谢他帮我省了一点,我们一人一瓶,because buy one get one half price.....开心!


Thursday 17 November 2011

11/11/11 to 16/11/11

11/11/11 (Friday)
It's a very beautiful date, 111111.....

Planing to go somewhere after my exam. Google search Europe map to find out a place.

I plan to go Norway or Scotland, browsing internet during the revision class and day dreaming. In fact, I should concentrate in my studies for my final but.....moody....

Have a nice walk after class at central street. No need to work.... Took the opportunity to go shopping

I went to Mark and Spencer to buy some chocolates, ice-cream and have a look of ties for my dad.

Daddy, which one you like?

The tie is not cheap..... Just a little clothes how come can cost so high?

12/11/11 ( Saturday )
It's so busy today because of  horse races in Cheltenham. There was so many customers dininininini at restaurant and call for delivery. I hurt my hand because of the glasses broke itself. Doesn't make sense right? But it's true, the beer glasses really broke itself and split to my clothes. I bleed

Left hand

Right hand. I think this is the first time I bleed so much in my 22 life. Ought... I am so tough, the blood keep bleeding, I just use gauze to wound dressing then continue to work. No time for me to think about the pain because is toooo busy.

13/11/11 (Sunday)

Happy day, have a very good mood

After dressing myself, I went to the church and worship my God. Met an old lady, she introduced some sisters from Malaysia to me. What a coincident, they were from Kepong and worship at Sri Sinar and Selayang Wesley church. So nice to know them. I get some girl friends finally....

I joined their student welfare. We went to Pastor Tim's house for lunch after service.

This is the dining room. Outside there has some rabbits and the view is very beautiful and peace. The is the first time for me to visit an English people's house, make me so warm and I like their house design.

This is their family photo.

This the best english meal that I had tried in UK. It's really delicious, healthy, no cheese and butter. I love it so much. Before having my lunch, I am so worried about the food because I really can't accept the western food. It's too oily but this really surprise me.

They from America, German and most of them are from UK. We had a nice chat and we enjoyed the meal. I was very appreciate this chance to gather and share the God love with them.Although we are from difference place but we worship in Jesus Christ name. Amen

Vanilla ice-cream and cold chocolate cake.... So nice man...
Really really super yummy... The desert is brighten up my day and make me so so so happy. I ate a lot and was very scared to be fat...

It's so tiring. I finish my work and straight away back to Birmingham. Almost 11pm when I reached home. Tidy up my clothes, ate my supper, did some preparation for my first revision class.
14/11/11 ( Monday )

Monday, have a good start. The weather is cold, only 6 c here.... I like winter clothes, can cover my fat, make me look slim although I am not...haha! Ate quit lot recently....

After class, I went to Mark and Spencer again to buy pillows... 2 for 15pounds...Do you know what's the purpose for it?

My honey, I used 2 pillows, join together to make it! It's so warm when I hug .... So soft, have a good sleep finally since I reached UK.

Naughty boy, used a big rod to knock my head and make me cry.... sad... Injure my head..

This is 2 yummy foods, made from marshmallows by my aunt.

Do you like them? I will remember the recipe and make it to you all once I back.. A lot tasty desert here... So please forgive me to become fatter and fatter...

Last but not least, want to share my boots photos. I always forget to post up...

Very nice right? I love the design so much. The original price was 50 pounds, discounted price was 32 pounds but the manager just sold it by 30 pounds to me because he said it's very nice when I wear it and suit to my legs... haha, so nice! This is the 4th times I visit his shop when I bought this boots... 

At the end.....

Before I sleep.......

I did a mask bought from Mark and Spencer....

My skin looks like a bloom.... So happy

So clean and smooth! My aunt and grandma used it as well... I think this was the first time they do mask.

This is the brand... Cost 2 pounds each... We finish 2 pack for 3 faces... 4 pounds can satisfied 3 ladies and make us so excited... That's why I always say women are easy to be happy!

Dear friends, how's your day.... If you are not happy and feel stress, let's do a mask together, it will totally change your mood and brighten up your day. Nights.......

Wednesday 9 November 2011

31/10/11 to 9/11/11

31/10/11 to 5/11/11

 放假一个星期,回想起来,我真的过得很充实,做工 + 读书。



那天遇到一个顾客,指明要 Port 这种酒。坦白讲,我对酒不是说很熟悉,如果顾客突然来个我没听过 的,我也会手忙脚乱。这间店最近来了一个巫婆,弄到大家都不是很开心,因为这个员工斤斤计较,很麻烦。不过, 我没牵涉进里头。


最近,舅舅请了一个外国人,叫我训练他作我的工作。坦白讲,这个外国人是我目前为止在英国遇到最帅的一个,够高,样子非常好看,再加上我们有很多机会相处,够力爽!可惜,他是 young parents, 背景很复杂,19岁的他就有一个15月大的孩子。彻彻底底打破我对他的幻想!不过,和他聊天,我还满开心,学到很多,也了解英国人的文化。

这是我打工的 Restaurant, 在 Cheltenham 算很有名。最近的生意很不好, 非常淡,大家都准备迎接圣诞节,很省!

6/11/11 ( 星期天 )

早上就来到这间教会,非常喜欢,非常保守和庄重的教会,是我目前为止最喜欢的一间,很多老人家,很温馨。我算是唯一一个不是英国人的基督徒在这里崇拜。开始时,司琴站在相当高的位置弹管镟乐,很经典。当外国老人家唱圣诗时,我简直毛骨悚然,很够力厉害!好像 Domingo 在我旁边唱歌。

Cambray Baptist Church


第一次喝蘑菇汤,味道还好,我还是觉得 malaysia's organic kitchen 的好喝,这边的东西很多味精。

7/11/11 (星期一)



8/11/11 ( 星期二 )


去 Mark and Spencer 买了3 boxes of ice-cream and some chocolates.
最近的天气开始转冷,可是我还是很爱 ice-cream, 不吃好像会死人。没关系啦,上星期有赚到一点,这星期又要开学打战,当奖励自己吧!



这是我 6pm 拍的照片,天全黑了。这个星期,4点就天暗,每次都弄到我整个人好累哦!
